It is planned to publish the peer reviewed and selected papers of conference as proceedings with Springer in the book series Springer Proceedings in Materials ( . For detailed instructions for author and editors of conference proceedings, kindly visit the following link: . Select papers from the conference will be published by Springer as a proceedings book volume. Springer will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only papers that pass these checks will be published. Springer Nature does not charge any money for publication of Non-Open Access content. Abstracts/extended abstracts and short papers (less than 4 pages) are not considered for publication.
The Springer Proceedings in Materials is a book series and is indexed in SCOPUS (Sourcerecord ID: 21101082513) and EI Compendex databases.
Submission of full-length paper as per Springer Nature Conference proceedings
Important Dates:
1). Submission of Full-Length Paper Start Date: 10 March, 2025
2). Submission of Full-Length Paper End Date: 25 March, 2025
3). End of Review Process: 15 April, 2025
1). Submission of full-length paper will be done on Please login to portal and there will be a link for submission on the Submission Dashboard. The submission will start from 10 March, 2025.
2). Authors guideline must be strictly followed.
3). The manuscript must as per guideline. Download the format from above link. Another format will not be accepted. Use word template to prepare manuscript. Proceedings Word template
(Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, etc).
3). Springer will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only papers that pass these checks will be published.
4). Springer Nature does not charge any money for publication of Non-Open Access content.
5). Abstracts/extended abstracts and short papers (less than 4 pages) are not considered for publication.
6). The registered participants will be allowed to submit full length papers.